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Provider Enrollment Information
Enrollment Application and Tracking Process
How to Enroll in Wisconsin Medicaid

Providers interested in enrolling in Wisconsin Medicaid may complete an enrollment application. The ForwardHealth Portal supports the following internet browsers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. The web page will time out after 30 minutes.

Notification of an Approved Enrollment

Providers are required to wait for the Notice of Enrollment Decision as official notification that ForwardHealth has approved their enrollment. This notice will contain information that the provider needs to conduct business with Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, Family Care, Family Care Partnership, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct), or SeniorCare. An approved or enrolled status alone does not allow the provider to begin providing or billing for services.

Ability to Save Partially Completed Enrollment Applications

Providers are not required to complete their enrollment application in one session; they can save their partially completed application and return to complete it within 10 calendar days.

Applicants will receive an enrollment key and will be able to set their own password for re-entry into their application. Applicants are solely responsible for their enrollment key and password.

If more than 10 calendar days have passed since beginning an enrollment application, providers will lose their progress and be required to start a new application.

File Types That May Be Uploaded With an Enrollment Application

Providers may upload any needed documentation or forms during the application process.

Providers may upload documents in the following formats:

  • Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) (.jpg or .jpeg)
  • PDF (.pdf)
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • Text File (.txt)
  • Comma-separated values (.csv)

JPEG files must be stored with a ".jpg" or ".jpeg" extension; PDF files must be stored with a ".pdf" extension; Rich Text Format files must be stored with an ".rtf" extension; and text files must be stored with a ".txt" extension.

How to Track Enrollment Application Status

Providers will receive an application tracking number (ATN) once they have submitted their enrollment application through the Portal.

ForwardHealth allows providers to track the status of their submitted enrollment application either through the Portal or by calling Provider Services.

Tracking Through the Portal

Providers are able to track the status of an enrollment application through the Portal by entering their ATN in the Enrollment Tracking Search tool. Providers will receive current information on their application, such as whether it is being processed or has been returned for more information.

Tracking Through Provider Services

Providers may also check on the status of their submitted enrollment application by contacting Provider Services and providing their ATN.

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