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To Start a New Medicaid Enrollment
  • Select the link below to start the enrollment process.
  • Applicants have the ability to save their application and return later to finish.
To Start a New In-State Emergency/Out-of-State Enrollment
  • Select the link below to start the enrollment process.
  • Applicants have the ability to save their application and return later to finish.
To Start a New Prescribing/Referring/Ordering Enrollment
  • Select the link below to start the enrollment process.
  • Applicants have the ability to save their application and return later to finish.
  • Physicians and other professionals who only prescribe, refer, or order services and who are not interested in full Medicaid enrollment may apply for limited Medicaid enrollment as a prescribing/referring/ordering provider. This type of enrollment does not allow Wisconsin Medicaid to reimburse you for your services.
To Start a New Provider Agency Identification Process
  • Select the link below to start the enrollment process.
  • This link is for providers who do not need to enroll in Medicaid but need to obtain a Medicaid ID number for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) purposes.
To Continue a Previous Medicaid Enrollment
  • Enter your Enrollment Key and Password and select Login.
  • Enrollment process will start from the beginning; however, previously entered data will be displayed for review.
  • ADAP enrollment cannot be completed in this section. Please start a new ADAP Provider Certification Application to enroll as an ADAP provider.
Enrollment Key: Minimum characters required is (0 ).
To Start a New ADAP Enrollment
  • Select the link below to start the enrollment process.
  • Medicaid-enrolled providers must complete a separate application to be an ADAP provider.
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Wisconsin Department of Health Services
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