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Children’s Specialty Programs

Wisconsin has multiple programs available for children with delays or disabilities or who live in out-of-home care. These programs assist parents and caregivers in supporting children at home and in the community. Children may be eligible for one or more programs based on their assessed need.  Click here to see what's new!

Birth to 3 Program
Children’s Long-Term Support Program
The Birth to 3 Program is for children ages birth to 3 years old. Eligibility is based on a diagnosed disability or developmental delay in how a child plays, learns, speaks, and acts.

The Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program provides services for children and young adults under the age of 22 with significant developmental, physical, or emotional disabilities. These services support participants and their families to remain in their home or community.

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Children’s Specialty Managed Care Plans
Katie Beckett Medicaid
The Children’s Specialty Managed Care Plans are Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans that coordinate care for members across their provider network, supporting special populations with higher levels of need either because of the systems they are a part of (for example, child welfare) or the severity of their behavioral health symptoms.

Katie Beckett Medicaid is for children under 19 years old with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs. Children who are not eligible for other Medicaid programs because their parents' income or assets are too high may be eligible for Wisconsin Medicaid through Katie Beckett Medicaid.

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What's New?
A summary of what is new for children’s specialty programs:

Children's Long-Term Support Program: Third-Party Administration Transition
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