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Birth to 3 Program

The Birth to 3 Program is for children ages birth to 3 years old. Eligibility is based on a diagnosed disability or developmental delay in how a child plays, learns, speaks, and acts.

For information specific to children and families, visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) site.

Enrollment Information for Counties
Diagnosed Conditions and Atypical Development Guidance for Wisconsin's Birth to 3 Program, P-00893
Wisconsin's Birth to 3 Program Eligibility Guidance for Children who are Blind or Visually Impaired, P-00786
Wisconsin's Birth to 3 Program Eligibility Guidance for Children who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing, P-00854
Early Intervention
Birth to 3 Invitation to Early Intervention (EI) Team Eligibility Determination and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Meeting, F-01427
Early Intervention Team Report / Wisconsin Early Intervention Eligibility Determination (IFSP), F-00989F

DMS Numbered Memo 2019-09, Local Birth to 3 Program Determinations
DMS Numbered Memo 2019-07, Automated Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Referrals
DMS Numbered Memo 2019-05, Annual Data Review Process and Issuing Findings of Noncompliance
DMS Numbered Memo 2018-04, Local Education Agency (LEA) and State Education Agency (SEA) Notification and Parental Right to Opt Out of Notification
ForwardHealth Online Handbook
The Online Handbook provides Birth to 3 program information for providers.
Program Operations Guide
The Birth to 3 Program Operations Guide captures relevant policies and procedures needed for local programs to operationalize Birth to 3
and clarifies the program’s purpose and requirement.

Program Participation System
The Program Participation System (PPS) records Wisconsin’s Birth to 3 Program referral, enrollment, transition, and outcome data.
Birth to 3 Program Participation System (PPS) User Guide, P-02344
Birth to 3 Program Participation System (PPS) Training Aid: Processing Automated Referrals From eWiSACWIS, P-02528

Information for Counties
This information provides guidance and resources to support counties in serving Birth to 3 children and their families.

What's New?
A summary of what is new for children’s specialty programs:

Children's Long-Term Support Program: Third-Party Administration Transition
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