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Welcome  » February 16, 2025 5:21 AM


IRIS (Include, Respect, I Self-Direct) is a fully self-directed adult long-term care (LTC) waiver program for Wisconsin's frail elders and adults with disabilities. Participants must be eligible for Wisconsin Medicaid to be in the IRIS program. IRIS is built on the principles of self-determination and self-direction. Click here to see what's new! IRIS IRIS program-specific terms and acronyms.

Providers who serve participants enrolled in IRIS are referred to as adult LTC waiver providers.

ICA/FEA/IRIS SDPC Administrators IRIS Providers IRIS Participants
This area is intended for certified IRIS consultant agencies, fiscal employer agents, and/or the IRIS Self-Directed Personal Care Oversight Agency.
This area is intended for participant-hired workers and/or service provider agencies currently approved to provide goods, supports, or services to or with an IRIS participant.
This area is intended for participants already enrolled in the IRIS program.




What's New?
A summary of what is new for adult LTC waiver programs: Providers who serve IRIS participants must enroll as Medicaid providers through ForwardHealth. For more information, visit the Provider Enrollment Information page.

New Video: Introducing the Adult Long-Term Care Waiver Service Provider Enrollment Project
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