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Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE
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Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE

Family Care is a Medicaid long-term care program (LTC) for frail elders and adults with physical, developmental, or intellectual disabilities. Family Care members receive LTC services to help them live in their own homes whenever possible. 

The Family Care Partnership Program is an integrated health and LTC program for frail elders and people with disabilities.

The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) provides a full range of LTC, health care, and prescription drugs to older people with chronic needs.

All of these programs are administered by managed care organizations (MCO). Click here to see what's new!   Family Care program-specific terms and acronyms.

Family Care, Family Care Partnership,
PACE Administrators

Family Care, Family Care Partnership,
PACE Contracted Providers

Family Care, Family Care Partnership,
PACE Members

This information is for MCO staff who plan, direct, or coordinate their organization’s Family Care, Family Care Partnership, or PACE programs.

This information is for health care providers and service providers who contract with an MCO to provide care or services to members.

This information is for individuals who are enrolled in Family Care, Family Care Partnership, or PACE.

Administrators Providers Members

What's New?
A summary of what is new for adult long-term care organizations:

New Video: Introducing the Adult Long-Term Care Waiver Service Provider Enrollment Project
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