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Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE
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Family Care, Family Care Partnership, PACE Administrators

This information is for managed care organization (MCO) staff who plan, direct, or coordinate their organization’s Family Care, Family Care Partnership, or Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) programs.

For information specific to members, visit the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) site.

Member Handbook Template
This document is a template that MCOs must use to create their member handbook. The member handbook describes the program’s benefits and policies.
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE Enrollment Data
These are monthly snapshots of Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE enrollment data, which includes data by MCO, county, and target populations

Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE Contracts
The contracts describe the mutual obligations of DHS and MCOs for the Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE programs.
Technical Assistance and Memos
This page houses memos and technical assistance documents pertain to Family Care and Family Care Partnership.
Wisconsin Statutes for Family Care
These are the Wisconsin state laws that govern Family Care, specifically Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 46.
Wis. Admin. Code ch. DHS 10
This document describes the administrative rules that apply to Family Care.
Tribal Three-Party Agreement
This document describes a mutual agreement between DHS, a tribal nation, and an MCO.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers
1915(b) HCBS Waiver — The federal Medicaid waiver permits the use of Medicaid funds for Family Care.
1915(c) HCBS Waiver — The HCBS waiver program is authorized in the Social Security Act § 1915(c).
Transition of Care Between Medicaid Programs or Between Agencies Within a Medicaid Program
This document gives direction to MCOs when an individual is transitioning from one Medicaid program to another or from one agency to another within a Medicaid long-term care program.

Restrictive Measures Login
Restrictive Measures Guidelines and Standards
This document provides the process and procedures for approval of use of restrictive measures.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)
EVV is the method to verify personal care and supportive home care services.
ForwardHealth Portal Login
Functional Screen Information Access Login Page

MCO Scorecards
These annual scores are given to MCOs as a result of external quality review activities.
Geographic Service Region Maps
Regions of the state in which MCOs are contracted to provide Family Care, Family Care Partnership and PACE services:
Family Care Geographic Service Regions
Partnership and PACE Geographic Service Regions
Family Care and IRIS Geographic Service Region Reconfiguration Timeline
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE Enrollment Data
These are monthly snapshots of Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE enrollment data, which includes data by MCO, county, and target populations.
COVID-19 Resources for Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE MCOs
This page provides resources for MCOs specific to Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE so they can better care for members.

Restrictive Measures Guidelines and Standards
This document provides the process and procedures for approval of use of restrictive measures.
Resident Relocation Manual
This manual provides information on the process for Chapter 50 relocations.
Encounter Reporting Information
Long-Term Care Information Exchange System Reference Materials: Information and guidance documents for encounter reporting.
Long-Term Care Information Exchange System Reporting Application: Database where MCO administrators can submit encounter data. The data is used to analyze a range of topics including service costs, capitation rates, and program integrity.
1-2 Bed Certification Requirements
This document provides Medicaid standards for certification of 1-2 bed adult family homes (additional information).
External Quality Review Activity Reports
These annual reports provide the results of MCOs’ external quality review audits.
MCO Provider Network Adequacy Standards
These standards are used to determine that an MCO provider network is adequate to meet its membership’s support and service needs.
Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE Forms List
This list contains all Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and PACE forms.
Report Matrix
This page lists reports sent by DHS to MCOs and HMOs, including the frequency by which each report is sent.
Family Care Partnership Program Drug Carve Out Resources
DHS carved out coverage of most prescription outpatient drugs from the Family Care Partnership benefit package. This page provides resources that will help providers and administrators with the drug carve out transition.

Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs)
This page contains information about local ADRCs, which are the first place to go to get accurate, unbiased information regarding aging or living with a disability.
MCO Contact Information
This is key contact information for each Family Care MCO.
Tribal Affairs Office
This is information regarding the Tribal Affairs Office’s program administration, key contacts, and events and meetings.
Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long-Term Care
This organization advocates for the state's long-term care consumers, informs those consumers of their rights, and educates the public about health care systems and long-term care.
Family Care and IRIS Ombudsman Program
This is information regarding the independent ombudsman program for people who are enrolled or in the process of enrolling in a long-term care program.
DHS Long-Term Care Inbox
This is a general email address for long-term care programs.

What's New?
A summary of what is new for adult long-term care organizations:

New Video: Introducing the Adult Long-Term Care Waiver Service Provider Enrollment Project
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Wisconsin Department of Health Services
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