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Program Name: BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid Handbook Area: Pharmacy

Claims : Submission

Topic #20082

Claims for Drugs Purchased Through the 340B Drug Pricing Program

Providers are required to submit accurate claim-level identifiers to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. ForwardHealth uses submission clarification codes on compound and noncompound drug claims and a modifier on professional claims to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. ForwardHealth monitors claims for the appropriate submission clarification code or modifier based on whether or not providers have designated themselves on the HRSA 340B MEF.

ForwardHealth uses claim-level identifiers to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program in order to exclude these claims from the drug rebate invoicing process. It is the responsibility of the 340B covered entity to indicate the AAC and to correctly report claims filled with 340B inventory for 340B-eligible members to ensure rebates are not collected for these drugs. If a rebate is received by ForwardHealth for a drug purchased through the 340B Program due to incorrect claim-level identifiers, the 340B covered entity will be responsible to reimburse the manufacturer the 340B discount.

A 340B contract pharmacy must carve-out ForwardHealth from its 340B operation and purchase all drugs billed to ForwardHealth outside of the 340B Program.

Pharmacy Compound and Noncompound Claim Submission Clarification Codes for Drugs Purchased Through the 340B Drug Pricing Program

The compound and noncompound drug claim formats require submission clarification codes in order to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. ForwardHealth uses the submission clarification code value to ensure appropriate rebate processes and avoid duplicate discounts. Providers should only submit claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program if the provider is present on the HRSA 340B MEF.

ForwardHealth relies solely on these claim level identifiers to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. If a 340B claim level identifier is present, then the claim will be excluded from the drug rebate invoicing process.

The following submission clarification codes are applicable to compound and noncompound drug claims submitted by 340B providers:

  • "20" (340B) — Providers who submit a compound or noncompound drug claim for a drug purchased through the 340B Program are required to enter submission clarification code "20" to indicate that the provider determined the drug being billed on the claim was purchased pursuant to rights available under Section 340B of the Public Health Act of 1992. ForwardHealth uses the submission clarification code value of "20" to apply 340B reimbursement and to ensure that only eligible claims are being used to obtain drug manufacturer rebates. The claim will be reimbursed at the lesser of the calculated 340B ceiling price or the provider-submitted 340B AAC plus a professional dispensing fee. If a calculated 340B ceiling price is not available for a drug, ForwardHealth will reimburse 340B ingredient cost at the lesser of WAC minus 50 percent or the provider-submitted 340B AAC plus a professional dispensing fee.
  • "99" (Other) — If a provider who is listed on the HRSA 340B MEF submits a compound or noncompound drug claim without submission clarification code "20," the claim will be denied with an EOB code stating they are a 340B provider submitting a claim for a drug not purchased through the 340B Program. Once a provider has verified that the claim is not for a drug purchased through the 340B Program, they should resubmit the claim with submission clarification code "99" to verify that the claim was submitted as intended and is not a claim for a drug purchased through the 340B Program. A claim with a submission clarification code of "99" will be reimbursed at the lesser of the current ForwardHealth reimbursement rate or the billed amount plus a professional dispensing fee. 340B reimbursement will not be applied.
  • "2" (Other Override) — If a submitting provider is not listed on the HRSA 340B MEF but submits a compound or noncompound drug claim for a drug purchased through the 340B Program (by indicating a submission clarification code of "20"), the claim will be denied with an EOB code stating they are not on the HRSA 340B MEF. If the provider believes they are or should be on the HRSA 340B MEF as a 340B-covered entity choosing to carve-in for Wisconsin Medicaid, the provider should resubmit the claim with submission clarification code "2" to indicate that the claim is for a drug purchased through the 340B Program. The provider should also contact HRSA to update the HRSA 340B MEF with the provider's information. Covered entities are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the HRSA 340B MEF. A claim with a submission clarification code of "2" will be reimbursed at the lesser of the calculated 340B ceiling price or the provider-submitted 340B AAC plus a professional dispensing fee. If a calculated 340B ceiling price is not available for a drug, ForwardHealth will reimburse 340B ingredient cost at the lesser of WAC minus 50 percent or the provider-submitted 340B AAC plus a professional dispensing fee.

Note: The compound drug claim format only accepts one submission clarification code value. If a compound drug includes an ingredient that was purchased through the 340B Program, the provider should use the appropriate submission clarification code to identify the claim is for a drug purchased through the 340B Program, and ForwardHealth will assume the submission clarification code "8" (Process Compound for Approved Ingredients) applies to all ingredients of the compound drug claim.

Basis of Cost Determination and Submission Clarification Code

The Basis of Cost Determination is a required field in which the provider is required to submit the appropriate code indicating the method by which "ingredient cost submitted" was calculated. Providers are responsible for submitting a valid Basis of Cost Determination value, per the ForwardHealth Payer Sheet: NCPDP Version D.0. When a claim is for a drug purchased through the 340B Program, the Basis of Cost Determination field must contain a value of "8" (340B/Disproportionate Share Pricing/Public Health Service); in addition, there must be an appropriate corresponding Submission Clarification Code of "2" (Other Override) or "20" (340B). ForwardHealth will deny claims with Basis of Cost Determination and Submission Clarification Code values that do not correspond.

Professional Claim Modifier for Drugs Purchased Through the 340B Program

Professional claim formats require a "UD" modifier in order to identify claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. Providers who submit professional claims for physician-administered drugs purchased through the 340B Program to ForwardHealth are required to indicate modifier UD for each HCPCS procedure code to indicate that the provider determined that the product being billed on the claim detail was purchased pursuant to rights available under Section 340B of the Public Health Act of 1992. ForwardHealth uses modifier UD to identify that a claim is for a physician-administered drug purchased through the 340B Program and to ensure that only eligible claims are being used to obtain drug manufacturer rebates. Providers should only submit claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program if the provider is present on the HRSA 340B MEF.

ForwardHealth relies solely on modifier UD to identify professional claims for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. If modifier UD is present, then the claim will be excluded from the drug rebate invoicing process.

In addition, providers are required to submit their AAC when they submit claims for physician-administered drugs purchased through the 340B Program. Physician-administered drugs purchased through the 340B Program will be reimbursed at the lesser of the maximum allowable fee or the provider-submitted AAC.

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