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Program Name: BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid Handbook Area: Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Prior Authorization : Advanced Imaging Services

Topic #15477

Exemption from Prior Authorization

Providers Ordering Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Services

Health systems, groups, and individual providers (requesting providers) that order CT, MR, and MRE imaging services and have implemented advanced imaging decision support tools may request an exemption from PA requirements for these services. Upon approval, ForwardHealth will recognize the requesting provider's advanced imaging decision support tool (for example, ACR Select, Medicalis) as an alternative to current PA requirements for CT, MR, and MRE imaging services. Requesting providers with an approved tool will not be required to obtain PA through eviCore healthcare for these services when ordered for Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus fee-for-service members.

Note: It is the ordering provider's responsibility to communicate PA status (whether the provider is exempt from PA requirements or PA has been obtained through eviCore healthcare) to the rendering provider at the time of the request for advanced imaging services.

Exemption from Prior Authorization Requirements Not Available for Positron Emission Tomography

Decision support for PET is not available in all advanced imaging decision support tools. Therefore, PET will not be eligible to be exempted from PA requirements at this time. ForwardHealth may review its policies and requirements in response to any future developments in decision support tools, including the addition of PET decision support tools to the PA exemption.

Process for Obtaining an Exemption from Prior Authorization Requirements

Requesting providers with advanced imaging decision support tools may request exemption from PA requirements for CT, MR, and MRE imaging services using the following process:

  1. Complete a Prior Authorization Requirements Exemption Request for CT, MR, and MRE Imaging Services and agree to its terms.
  2. Submit the completed Prior Authorization Requirements Exemption Request for CT, MR, and MRE Imaging Services to the mailing or email address listed on the form. Once received, ForwardHealth will review the exemption request materials, approve or deny the request, and send a decision letter to the requesting provider within 60 days after receipt of all necessary documentation. ForwardHealth will contact the requesting provider if any additional information is required for the application.
  3. If the exemption request is approved, submit a list of all individual providers who order CT, MR, and MRE scans using the requesting provider's decision support tool. Exemptions are verified using the NPI of the individual ordering provider; therefore, requesting providers should submit a complete list of all individual ordering providers within the requesting provider's group to ForwardHealth. Lists may be submitted via email to DHSPAExemption@wisconsin.gov.

Process for Maintaining an Exemption from Prior Authorization Requirements

To maintain exemption from PA requirements for advanced imaging services, the requesting provider is required to report the following outcome measures to ForwardHealth for the previous full six-month interval (January 1 through June 30 and July 1 through December 31) by July 31 and January 31 of each year:

  • Aggregate score for all ordering providers that measures consistency with system recommendations based on the reporting standards described in more detail in Section III of the Prior Authorization Requirements Exemption Request for CT, MR, and MRE Imaging Services form
  • Subset scores, grouped by primary and specialty care
  • Aggregate outcome measures identified in the quality improvement plan

ForwardHealth will work with requesting providers to determine the most appropriate quality metrics. All requesting providers will need to provide similar data based on their reporting capabilities. This information should be submitted by the July 31 and January 31 deadlines to DHSPAExemption@wisconsin.gov.

Refer to the Prior Authorization Requirements Exemption Request for CT, MR, and MRE Imaging Services form for more detailed information on quality improvement plans and maintaining exemption from PA requirements. Providers with questions regarding the requirements may email them to DHSPAExemption@wisconsin.gov. If a requesting provider's quality improvement plan changes over time, any additional information identified in the plan must also be reported to this email address.

ForwardHealth may discontinue an exemption after initial approval if it determines the requesting provider either no longer meets the requirements outlined previously or does not demonstrate meaningful use of decision support to minimize inappropriate utilization of CT, MR, and MRE imaging services.

Updating the List of Eligible Providers

The requesting provider is required to maintain the list of individual ordering providers eligible for the exemption. The requesting provider will have two mechanisms for updating the list of individual ordering providers eligible for the exemption: individual entry of provider NPIs or uploading a larger, preformatted text file.

The requesting provider may enter individual NPIs using the Prior Authorization Exempted link under the Quick Links box in the secure Provider area of Portal.

For larger lists of providers eligible for exemption, requesting providers should upload a text file to the Portal that includes the individual provider NPIs, start dates for exemption, and end dates for exemption, if applicable. All submitted NPIs will be matched to the ForwardHealth provider file. ForwardHealth will notify the requesting provider monthly, using the email contact indicated on the exemption application form, of any NPIs that cannot be matched.

ForwardHealth will enable the requesting provider's Portal administrator and delegated clerks to update the individual ordering providers for whom the exemption applies by July 1, 2013. Any changes that need to be made prior to that time for individual ordering providers eligible for the exemption should be sent to DHSPAExemption@wisconsin.gov.

The individual providers listed may order CT, MR, and MRE imaging services without requesting PA for any DOS on and after the date the requesting provider indicates those providers are eligible to use the decision support tool, regardless of the date an individual provider's information was submitted to ForwardHealth.

For example, ABC Health Clinic is approved for an exemption from PA requirements on June 1. Dr. Smith of ABC Health Clinic orders an MR imaging service on June 15. It is discovered on June 20 that Dr. Smith was mistakenly excluded from ABC Health Clinic's exemption list. Once Dr. Smith is added to the exemption list, she is covered under the exemption going back to the date ABC Health Clinic indicated she was eligible to use the clinic's decision support tool.

Providers Rendering Advanced Imaging Services

Providers rendering advanced imaging services are encouraged to verify that either a PA request has been approved for the member (verified by contacting eviCore healthcare or the ordering provider), or the ordering provider is exempt from PA (verified by contacting the ordering provider) prior to rendering the service.

Claim Submission

Providers rendering advanced imaging services for an ordering provider who is exempt from PA requirements should include modifier Q4 (Service for ordering/referring physician qualifies as a service exemption) on the claim detail for the CT, MR, or MRE imaging service. This modifier, which may be used in addition to the TC (Technical component) or 26 (Professional component) modifiers on advanced imaging claims, indicates to ForwardHealth that the ordering provider is exempt from PA requirements for these services.

Providers are also reminded to include the NPI of the ordering provider on the claim if the ordering provider is different from the rendering provider. If a PA request was not approved for the member and an exempt ordering provider's NPI is not included on the claim, the claim will be denied.

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